Yes. The file size limit for documents in the Media Library is 100 MB.
Yes. Attendees can use their cameras during the session. The only limitation would be the participant’s own bandwidth.
Yes, you can. Once you approve the camera access, you will be able to see your camera’s input in the video conference content window.
No, OmniPresent supports over 1000 participants in a single session
Absolutely. You can also switch between various PowerPoint presentations.
You can chat with all of the participants at once or individually in a private chat. You can also set up multiple chat groups to segregate your participants or moderators/hosts.
Definitely. Participant polling is available in OmniPresent which makes it better for you to get instant feedback from attendees.
Yes. We can upload mp4s and view Youtube videos that have been made public.
OmniPresent is HTML5 and does not require Flash.
Yes. OmniPresent Web Conference offers a multi-presenter interface in which more than one presenter can talk, show presentation slides and use other features simultaneously. This means that presenters do not need to wait their turn and can interact as if they were physically in the same room.
High quality and full-duplex audio can be used by as many people as you wish with no limitations other than bandwidth.
Yes. OmniPresent rooms are independent and you can have multiple rooms open.
Can you speak in both rooms at the same time?
Yes. The only activity that cannot be done simultaneously is sharing desktop.
OmniPresent uses HTML5 and WebRTC to deliver content. HTML5 is supported by all major browsers; WebRTC is fully supported by the Chrome and Firefox browsers, with support from Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari coming soon. Besides the browser, there’s no other software to download.
Presenters who need to show live applications from their desktop (application and desktop sharing) will be asked to install a small add-on.
Yes. You have full control over what attendees can see and do in the conference room. You can also choose to hide their last name.
Yes, we do have an app for IOS and Android.
Recast Recordings are saved on our end and can be played back inside the webinar room, on demand or in event mode.
Yes, we can convert our Recast Recording to an MP4 file for you to save on your end.
Yes, our comprehensive Event Registration system accompanies your OmniPresent account. You may choose to set up formal events through the Event Manager. After participants register, automated messages and reminders are sent via email. All of the registrants’ information is available in event reports. A Microsoft Outlook plug-in is also available.
Yes. You may project any region or any application from any monitor or even an application or region that spans two monitors. You may also project the entire monitor.
Some font substitutions may occur, especially if your slide presentation uses non-standard fonts not included by default in Windows. Here is a list of fonts that will work without substitution.
Aharoni Algerian Andalus Angsana New AngsanaUPC Aparajita Arabic Typesetting Arial Arial Black Arial Narrow Arial Unicode MS Baskerville Old Face Batang BatangChe Bauhaus 93 Bell MT Berlin Sans FB Berlin Sans FB Demi Bernard MT Condensed Bodoni MT Poster Compressed Book Antiqua Bookman Old Style Bookshelf Symbol 7 Bradley Hand ITC Britannic Bold Broadway Browallia New BrowalliaUPC Brush Script MT Calibri Calibri Light Californian FB Cambria Cambria Math Candara Centaur Century Century Gothic Chiller Colonna MT Comic Sans MS Consolas Constantia Cooper Black Corbel Cordia New CordiaUPC Courier New DaunPenh David DFKai-SB DilleniaUPC DokChampa Dotum DotumChe Ebrima Estrangelo Edessa EucrosiaUPC Euphemia FangSong Footlight MT Light Franklin Gothic Medium FrankRuehl FreesiaUPC Freestyle Script French Script MT Gabriola Gadugi Garamond Gautami Georgia Gisha Glass Gauge Gulim GulimChe Gungsuh GungsuhChe Harlow Solid Italic Harrington High Tower Text Impact Informal Roman IrisUPC Iskoola Pota JasmineUPC Jokerman Juice ITC KaiTi Kalinga Kartika Khmer UI KodchiangUPC Kokila Kristen ITC Kunstler Script Lao UI Latha LCD Leelawadee Levenim MT LilyUPC Lucida Bright Lucida Calligraphy Lucida Console Lucida Fax Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Unicode Magneto Maiandra GD Malgun Gothic Mangal Marlett Matura MT Script Capitals Meiryo Meiryo UI Microsoft Himalaya Microsoft JhengHei Microsoft New Tai Lue Microsoft PhagsPa Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft Tai Le Microsoft Uighur Microsoft YaHei Microsoft Yi Baiti MingLiU MingLiU-ExtB MingLiU_HKSCS MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Miriam Miriam Fixed Mistral Modern No. 20 Mongolian Baiti Monotype Corsiva MoolBoran MS Gothic MS Mincho MS Outlook MS PGothic MS PMincho MS Reference Sans Serif MS Reference Specialty MS UI Gothic MT Extra MV Boli Narkisim News Gothic MT Niagara Engraved Niagara Solid Nirmala UI NSimSun Nyala Old English Text MT Onyx Palatino Linotype Papyrus Parchment Plantagenet Cherokee Playbill PMingLiU PMingLiU-ExtB Poor Richard Pristina Quartz Raavi Ravie Rod Sakkal Majalla Segoe Print Segoe Script Segoe UI Segoe UI Light Segoe UI Semibold Segoe UI Semilight Segoe UI Symbol Shonar Bangla Showcard Gothic Shruti SimHei Simplified Arabic Simplified Arabic Fixed SimSun SimSun-ExtB Snap ITC Stencil Sylfaen Symbol Tahoma Tempus Sans ITC Times New Roman Traditional Arabic Trebuchet MS Tunga Utsaah Vani Verdana Vijaya Viner Hand ITC Vivaldi Vladimir Script Vrinda Webdings Wide Latin Wingdings Wingdings 2 Wingdings 3
To optimize the time to convert your PowerPoint presentations and its download to Attendees, we suggest you break-down large presentations into different files and convert Part I, Part II, etc.
Please keep slide presentations below 150 slides and 100MB in size for optimal performance.
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