5 Webinar Formats that Will Make You Stand Out

As more and more people turn to webinars as a part of their business strategy, there is more pressure to find ways that will make you stand out among the saturated crowd online. Think about how you’ll be able to rise above the growing number of webinar organizers and competitors who conduct their own webinars. How will you separate yourself from these competitors? How will you convince the audience to tune in to your webinars instead? How will you stand out in your industry or niche?

Well, apart from for a reliable managed webinar service that will help you conduct effective webinars, you also need to use a creative webinar format. A creative webinar format will help you attract the audiences and will help establish you as an industry leader. Here are five of the best webinar formats you can do to stand out:

Workshop Webinar

Workshop webinars are helpful to the audience, so this creative format will surely make you stand out. You can conduct workshop webinars every month or every quarter, or better yet, every time you roll out a new product or a new feature of your service. This will allow you to teach your customers to use these particular products or services. At the same time, a workshop webinar will also help you garner loyalty among your current customers and attract potential clients. 

Virtual Summit Webinar

Summits and conferences are very significant when it comes to engagement and exposure. Fortunately, you can incorporate these kinds of events into a webinar. A virtual summit webinar is a unique opportunity both for your business and your audience. Imagine a day of one virtual summit, with several speakers and hundreds or even thousands of audience members. You can easily run multiple sessions throughout the day, engage with the audience and other professionals and experts, do some networking, generate new leads, close on sales, and expose your business to a whole new audience. At the end of the day, a virtual summit webinar is one of the best webinar formats you can do that will surely boost your business in every way possible.

In-Conversation Webinar

In-conversation webinars allow you to broadcast in webinar format while talking to another expert regarding a particular topic. This casual type of webinar is fun and lively and usually done to celebrate or educate audiences about a particular topic or event. You can chat with an invited speaker, or two invited speakers will be chatting with each other, asking questions and opinions, and from time to time can also answer questions from the audience. This is generally an exciting and engaging webinar format that will make you stand out as a thought leader in the industry. 

Case Study Webinar

Case studies can also be incorporated into your webinar strategy. A case study webinar allows you to put forth valuable insights into your audience. Case study webinars are also an opportunity to engage with other relevant people. You could either work with loyal clients, business partners, or even your trusted influencers. Conduct case study webinars regarding your products or your services and go in-depth with its benefits or effectiveness. This way, you’re not merely educating your audience, but you’re also proving to them your business’ worth.

Q&A Webinar

Another creative format to go for is the Q&A webinar. Invite an in-house professional or other industry experts who are not part of your business to participate in a simple virtual Q&A session. Q&A webinars are highly engaging and allow you to form a stronger bond with your audience. They’ll have an opportunity to know more about your business or products, or the industry in general—things about trends, new methodologies, theories, or other news. Try to conduct Q&A webinars regularly so that you can stand out as a trusted source of information and an industry leader.